If you’re not sure how to optimise your use of packaging, then read on as this article discussesthree crucial packaging supplies. When you’re mailing products, it’s so important to choose the right packaging supplies for the best results.
Why Are Packaging Supplies Important?
Packaging supplies are important because they’re the only thing protecting your product from breakage while it’s in transit. The parcel you’re sending out could travel across many different people’s hands as it gets to its destination, and some of them may be more careful than others. This meanschoosing the right packaging supplies really is crucial to your product arriving in one piece to your customer. In addition, your company’s reputation is on the line whenever you send an item in the post, as if it arrives broken and unusable, it may result in bad online reviews for your company and negative word of mouth. To ensure that your items arrive in one piece to happy customers, you need to pay careful attention to your chosen packaging supplies.
Packing Supplies Basics
There are threecrucialtypes of packaging supplies:
Outer Packaging
Outer packaging bears the brunt of knocks and drops, protecting the contents inside from the outside world. Outer packaging might include a polyurethane bag, a packaging tube and a sturdybox.
Filler and Cushioning Material
Filler and cushioning material is designed to prevent shock and breakage to the contents of your package. These materials might include tissue paper, bubble wrap, scrunched up paper, cardboard or styrofoam inserts, as well as packing peanuts.
Sealing Tape
Sealing tape is just as vital as the above two packaging supplies, because it does the job of sticking everything together to prevent items from bursting out of a box or other packaging. Various kinds of sealing tape are available, including brown plastic tape, electrical tape and duct tape.
H2: Tips for Working with Packaging Supplies
Here are a few handy tips for working with packaging supplies:
Let Size Be Your Guide
You need to choose packaging supplies that are appropriate for an item’s size. The product should neither be overflowing out of the box nor moving around in its packaging.
Check the Weight
The weight of your item will determine just how strong your packaging supplies need to be to adequately protect your product, and this is particularly the case when it comes to the outer packaging. Sometimes it may be necessary to double or triple box an item, or choose a box with a higher tensile strength.
Is It Breakable?
If your item is breakable, then you need to take extra precautions when it comes to your use of packaging supplies. You should ensure that you use filler and cushioning material to offer greater protection to your product.
When it comes to packaging supplies, there’s more to it than meets the eye. It is vitally important that you choose the right packagingfor the right item at hand. Follow the above tips for working with packaging supplies for the best results – your happy customers will thank you.