How to Cut Energy Costs without Sacrificing Comfort This Winter

Estimated read time 4 min read

The frequent use of heaters to keep warm is why electricity bills are higher during the winter. But there are many ways to lower your electric consumption without compromising your health and safety.

  1. Maximize your water heater

This system is designed to heat and store water. With this, households can have a supply of hot water that can be used for taking showers, cleaning, washing the dishes, and doing the laundry. A water heater makes lives more convenient and easier, particularly during the cold season. Because you no longer have to heat water every time, it helps reduce your electricity bill. And this winter couldn’t be a better time to invest in one. Just refer to an authorized service center near you for hot-water tank installation

  1. Adjust your thermostat

One way to counter the below freezing temperature during winter is to turn up the thermostat temperature, but that can send your electric consumption soaring! The trick is to set the temperature at 68 degrees when you’re home and turn it lower when you’re out. According to the Department of Energy, this can effectively reduce your electricity bill by 5% to 15% every year. Your home’s heating or cooling system makes up about half of your energy bill, so it’s important to use it efficiently.

  1. Insulate your home 

The leaks and gaps in your home enable hot air to escape through, and that’s when proper insulation comes in. By sealing the holes in the windows and doors, you can prevent heat loss.

Make use of tin foil to insulate your home. You probably have it available in your kitchen. Cover the back of your radiator with one. This traps heat and takes it back into the room, keeping it warm.

The National Energy Foundation (NEF) says that uninsulated floors account for 10% of heat loss. So you might want to insulate your floor, too. If you have hatch access, you can install layers of foam boards underneath. This keeps your home warm and makes it fire-resistant. The layers can serve as barriers against flammable compounds.

Are you looking for the easiest way to insulate your home? Curtains with thermal lining will do. Install them on your door and windows, and they will prevent hot air from coming through.

  1. Humidify 

Research shows that the reason dry air is colder is that it holds less moisture. What are the signs of dry air at home?

  • Feeling cold despite the thermostat
  • Dry skin
  • Chapped lips
  • Sore throat
  • Warp woods and furniture
  • Feeling dehydrated

One way to counter dry air is by adding moisture to your home. This prevents your furnace from overworking, saving energy. Plus, it reduces the risks of developing health problems.

A humidifier is an easy fix. This device emits vapor or steam to add moisture to the air. But you can also pour hot water into a big pot, then place it near the heating system to spread the moisture across your house.

Getting a couple of indoor plants is a great idea, too. They release water in the air, making them a natural humidifier. Some of the best choices are spider plants, Chinese evergreen, bamboo palm, and gerbera daisy.

  1. Install a glass door in your fireplace

A fireplace is one of the best ways to keep everyone warm in the winter, but you can use it more efficiently to save energy by installing a glass door on it. When heat builds up, they can get sucked out of your chimney through pressure. A glass door, however, traps heat, allowing equal distribution of hot air inside your home. By keeping it closed even if the fireplace is no longer in use, you can preserve heat. With a glass door, you can also reduce hazards associated with logs tumbling out of the fireplace.

  1. Utilize smart home technology

These are the appliances that enable some degree of automation through communication technology. Smart home technology adjusts to your daily routine, making them cost-effective. For instance, a programmable thermostat can automatically lower the temperature when you’re out and increases it when you’re home.

This can also apply to security systems, entertainment, laundry, and cooking. Aside from helping reduce your electric consumption, they can also benefit your senior loved ones; smart technology can get them around the house without too much hassle.

The winter demands the use of more electricity, particularly the heating system, causing high electricity bills. But by maximizing the use of your appliances, you can manage your electric consumption while staying comfortable.

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