Preparation: Earthquake Safety
It is always a good idea to prep if you live in a region that experiences this type of natural issue. Keep in mind that preparation is one of the keys that lead to a safer outcome. When households are fully prepared for this type of disaster, anxiety tends to be reduced. Many people have fears about the losses that result from an earthquake.
The impact of disasters can be greatly reduced by securing items and floodproofing your entire household. Keep in mind that items do not necessarily need to be completely shaken loose during an earthquake when some good prepping has been done ahead of time. There are some pre-emergency precautions that can be taken in order to avoid large losses. If an earthquake were to come today, would you be ready? A handy checklist might be useful in terms of preparing yourself for this type of natural disaster.
A Preparation Checklist
An uncomplicated checklist will prove to be very helpful for understanding earthquake preparedness. Most needed items are already in your household.
The to-do items are quick and simple:
* start your prepping in the home area; begin by taking an overview of any possible hazards within the entire home. It is not difficult to fasten shelves to the walls and make certain they are secure. It is a good idea to have a main gas shut-off device in place or to ensure that there are flexible connections or a breakaway gas shut-off device.
* drawers and cabinet doors ought to include latches on them in order to prevent any items from spilling and falling out during the shaking.
* make certain the water heater is secured to the wall.
* be sure that any bookcases are anchored to the wall along with any filing cabinets.
* select some safe places outside and inside. Find some sturdy furniture for a safe place. It could be a heavy desk or a solid table.
* keep some disaster supplies in a secure place. Include food items, flashlight, a radio or outside connection, bottled water, blankets and any needed medicine. Keep all items in a secure place
The Secure Supply Area
It is a good idea to have a secure and sturdy container in a safe place to go under, if needed. It is a good idea to include the following:
* extra sweatshirts and pants
* sturdy shoes
* extra jackets
* batteries for the flashlights
Other Ideas and Added Tips
It is smart to have some closed-toe shoes in a handy spot. They ought to have rubber soles on them. Under the bed is an ideal place for quick grabbing. Keep in mind that lives can be saved when exceptional preparation has taken place ahead of time. Every household ought to include an earthquake emergency plan. It is wise to clearly identify any possible hazards that may be associated with flying or falling as the earth rumbles. If you have any pets, be sure to consider their needs and keep a stash of food for them in your supply area. It is always a good idea to have a fire extinguisher handy. Be sure to know where your master electrical panel is within your household. You may need to turn off your electrical power to prevent a fire. Find all possible evacuation routes before the earth starts to shake.
The Sudden Strike
The earthquake is different from a hurricane because they strike suddenly. An earthquake does not always warn the surroundings before they hit. It is possible to prepare your surroundings, with things that you already have, and add extra safety to your environment.