You Can Have the Best Choices there

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The old lodge can be sold by the condominium isa financially significant decision. The sale will generate an inflow of money that can finance major works, for example. In addition, the co-ownership will thus have a new owner who will participate in the collective charges. This decision is subject to the approval of the general assembly by a majority of the co-owners representing at least two thirds of the votes, according to article 26 of the law of July 10, 1965. Sometimes more judicious: the rental of the old lodge, whose rents will constitute regular income for the condominium.  The Evergreen Wealth Formula review

Adopt the right reflexes and save up to 20% on your energy bills

Leaving a room with the light on, putting your television and computer on standby or keeping your chargers and timer devices plugged in (coffee maker, consoles, Blu-ray players, etc.). These bad habits have a significant impact on the energy bill: nearly 90 euros per year on an electricity bill according to the AFP-Powermetrix barometer. Conversely, adopting a few good reflexes can reduce consumption by around 20%.

The systematic use of low-consumption light bulbs reduces lighting costs by up to 75%, according to Ademe. Using the economy or half-load programs of your washing machines and dishwashers reduces their consumption by a quarter. Better still, when replacing your household appliances, choose those whose energy label is greater than or equal to A (A +, A ++), with which you will divide your consumption by three. Another avenue: sizing the power of its electric meter (from 3 to 36 kVA) according to its equipment and its heating method. According to the UFC Que Chooser, 18% of households, or 5 million, pay a subscription that is too high for their real needs. With additional costs of up to 84 euros per year. A 9 kVA subscription is sufficient, for example,for housing of 100 square meters with several large household appliances, heating and electric water heater. Last item of expenditure: heating. Here, the equation is simple: lowering the temperature by just 1 ° leads to saving 7% of energy.

Buy your fuel in a group and save up to 8%

An essential expense to spend the winter warm, filling a tank with heating oil can be very expensive: the price of fuel depends on the price of crude oil on the markets, which fluctuates from day to day depending on supply and demand; the cost of refining; but also the distance separating your home from the storage areas. In other words, the closer we get to winter to refuel, the saltier the bill. Ditto if your home is very far from an oil depot. To reduce the bill by up to 10%, grouping together between individuals is an avenue to explore. The principle: collect orders to take a tour of the market, negotiate with the best-placed distributor and, finally, pool the cost of transport by tanker truck, which can represent up toat 15% of the final price.

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